SEBI Laws and Regulations
The SEBI Act of 1992 gives this supreme regulator of the securities market of India statutory powers to make such laws and regulations, especially under its Section 30, and many other relevant sections.
For over a decade, our well-resourced and internationally commended law firm of Delhi has been supporting these all people and entities for making their trading over stock exchanges fully secure (legally), optimally productive/lucrative, and constantly booming.
On this webpage, we are providing just a brief stock of information, regarding the SEBI laws and regulations and the compliances by listed entities with the registered stock exchanges, to help our website visitors and steadfast clients belonging to India and countries worldwide.
Among diverse laws, rules, regulations, and provisions promulgated by the SEBI, the most significant are the following:
- The SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009: These regulations dictate provisions for dealing with issues and matters related with capital and disclosures to be made by the listed companies in India, in order to make the trading in securities flawless and beneficial both to the listed companies and the investors.
- The SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011: These regulations of SEBI are formulated to solve problems related with lawful and fair acquisitions of shares and takeovers.
- The SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015: This law repeals the provisions given in the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations of 1992. This law introduces new regulations and provisions for prohibiting of the trading of securities by insiders, and seeks to strengthen the legal framework for perfect and fair securities trading in India. The term "Insider" encompasses any associated person of the listed company, or any other person of the company who possesses or has access to the unpublished price sensitive information. Provisions for disclosures (about the trading in securities and the derivatives of securities) by insiders, for both types of disclosures, namely, initial and continual disclosures, are provided in this law.
- The Equity Listing Agreement: The provisions contained in the clauses of this agreement (including provisions inserted through amendments in this listing agreement from time to time) deal mainly with the mandatory compliances to be made by the listed companies with the registered stock exchanges of India.